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Cregan & Co. perform the Rod Stewart songbook. March 'live' dates

CREGAN & CO. ‘LIVE’! The Songs of Rod Stewart

“If you can’t afford my tickets go see these guys...They’re just as good and half the price !!” (Rod Stewart)


SAT. 10TH - SCARBOROUGH, Spa Theatre, South Street Scarborough £23.50 (booking fee may apply) Doors

SUN 11TH - HALIFAX, Victoria Theatre 2 Fountain St, Halifax HX1 1BP 7.30pm £26.75 (inc fee)

THURS 29TH - CHELTENHAM, Pittville Pump Room, East Approach Drive, Cheltenham, GL52 3JE.£26.00 (+ online fee)…/cregan-co-the-songs…/

FRI 30TH - HORSHAM, Capitol Theatre, North St, Horsham RH12 1R £21.00

“BAND OF THE WEEKEND” Giants of Rock, 2015

New album being recorded, Jim Cregan book in progress...

Formed by Rod Stewart’s guitarist and collaborative songwriter, Jim Cregan, Cregan & Co. celebrate from 1977 to the present day with an evening of Rod’s hit songs

“Headliners Cregan & Co really took the bull by the horns; Jim Cregan smashing out those classic Rod Stewart songs he co-wrote, played on and produced. Heads up goes to Ben Mills on vocals. this man is the real deal what a set of lungs! I wasn’t around to see Rod in his heyday - but this I think is as close as I am going to get!" Cambridge Rock Festival

Former Family and Cockney Rebel guitarist Jim joined Rod Stewart's band in 1977 and became his musical director, co-producer and co-writer. Cregan co-penned many hits with Stewart, including ‘Passion’, ‘Tonight I'm Yours (Don't Hurt Me)’, and ‘Forever Young’. Jim is a world class guitarist and has written for many other rock and pop star, including s Joe Cocker, Art Garfunkel and Steve Harley) .


Drummer Harry James is renowned for his work with legendary rock band Thunder as well as drumming with Steve Harley, Jon Lord and Glenn Hughes. Other members of the band are bass player Pat Davey (Tom Robinson Band) and pianist Sam Tanner (Alexander O’Neil, Nate James & Duffy).

Sam Tanner was delighted to be asked in 2015 to play piano with The Faces, only the second pianist to ever have that honour, replacing founder member, the late Ian McLagan.Sam was recommended for the job by Jim, Kenney Jones and Robin Le Mesurier, who have all played with The Faces' Rod Stewart and Ronnie Wood on various occasions. This was Pat Davey’ssecond outing at Hurtwood Park, and with Geoff Dunn (drums) formed the backbone of the house band.

“Together, they soar, that great Rod Stewart sound conjured up by the guys who created it.” Southampton Review

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