HARD TRAVELLIN'.60 years of Blues friendship; Dave Kelly & Bob Hall with Hilary Blythe. UK Tour 2024 continues, May-June

Friends since they met sixty years ago, Dave and Bob have had illustrious international careers and won many awards for their artistry. Down the years they have worked on critically acclaimed joint projects, played in each other’s bands and appeared together on numerous recordings. Expect an evening of great blues, original songs, entertaining stories and even a little country!
VidVIDEOS: https://youtu.be/7_Cw_JZPKcU
Dave Kelly, an outstanding singer, guitarist and songwriter, a founder member of The Blues Band , and five times winner of the British Blues Connection Acoustic Artist of the Year award. A Prolific recording artist, both with The Dave Kelly Band and as a solo performer.
Bob Hall, an acclaimed pianist, mandolinist, singer, and songwriter, has played with scores of US blues legends. A founder member of The Groundhogs and Savoy Brown, and leader of Rocket 88 and The British Blues All Stars.
Hilary Blythe, an emotive and compelling singer of classic folk and blues on guitar, and a rock-solid bass player. Hilary is the engine room of The A-Team which backs Lil’ Jimmy Reed, last of the original Louisiana bluesmen, on his European tours. Jimmy has recently topped the US Blues Charts - also featuring featuring on the UK IBBA chart with his new album.
“A beautiful, varied set to delight any traditional blues fan with entertaining and highly informative commentary between songs. JUNEWonderful.” (Dave & Bob live review - Newbury News Oct 2022)
Sun 18th: BEVERLEY, East Riding Theatre https://stage4beverley.com/whats-on/hard-travellin-60-years-of-friendship-with-dave-kelly-bob-hall-with-hilary-blythe/
Fri 23rd: EAST GRINSTEAD - Chequermead Arts Centre https://www.chequermead.co.uk/shows/dave-kelly-bob-hall/
Sat. 24th - CRANLEIGH - Arts Centre https://cranleigharts.org/event/dave-kelly-and-bob-hall-with-hilary-blythe/
TUES 27th - PENISTONE, Cubley Hall www.wegottickets.com/routesmusic
Thurs 29th - BRADFORD, Tapestry Arts Centre https://tapestryarts.co.uk/event/dave-kelly-bob-hall-with-hilary-blythe/
Fri 1st - BARNARD CASTLE, The Witham https://thewitham.org.uk/event/dave-kelly-bob-hall-with-hilary-blythe/
Wed 6th - BARNOLDSWICK MUSIC & ARTS CENTRE https://www.barnoldswickmusicandartscentre.com/
Thurs 7th - CHESTER, Alexanders https://www.ents24.com/chester-events/alexanders-live/dave-kelly-bob-hall/6782496
Fri 8th - FULBORN (Cambs) , Village Hall
Sat 9th - BILLERICAY, Blues At Marigolds (2PM START)
Sun 10th - BROADSTAIRS, Sarah Thorne Theatre https://www.sarahthornetheatre.co.uk/book
Thurs 30th - DORCHESTER, Arts Centre https://www.dorchesterarts.org.uk/2024/03/07/thurs-30-may-hard-travellin-dave-kelly-bob-hall-with-hilary-blythe/
Fri 31st - ILMINSTER, The Meeting House https://www.ilminsterartscentre.com/performances/dave-kelly-and-bob-hall-with-hilary-blythe
Thurs 6th - NORWICH, Maddermarket Theatre https://maddermarket.co.uk/event/hard-travellin-60-years-of-friendship/
Fri 7th - BUNGAY , Fisher Theatre https://fishertheatre.org/FisherTheatre.dll/WhatsOn?Film=691257